Friday, December 19, 2014

Darko Milicic loses kickboxing debut, still declares his invincibility

I'm going to tread lightly here, since any one of the multitude of kicks and punches Darko Milicic threw opposite fellow Serbian Radovan Radojcic would knock me the hell out, but the NBA's failed former No. 2 overall pick lost his kickboxing debut, and that presents plenty of opportunity for jokes.
Famously picked by the Pistons immediately behind LeBron James and ahead of future All-NBA players Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade in the 2003 draft, Milicic earned a bust label after playing for six teams over 10 seasons. His kickboxing career is off to a similarly inauspicious start.
As first reported by the Associated Press and later evident in video of the defeat, Milicic suffered a nasty cut on his left leg that forced officials to call the World Kickboxing Association fight in the second round. The man who once suggested he'd "kill someone on the court" if he had to couldn't do so in the ring.

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