Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Raiders owner Mark Davis still considers Oakland top option

Raiders owner Mark Davis still considers Oakland top option
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Raiders owner Mark Davis walked into a makeshift Black Hole outside The Ritz-Carlton joining a throng of protesters, and vowed to do all he can to keep his team in Oakland. Even as he and Chargers owner Dean Spanos moved ahead on plans for a stadium project in Southern California. 
Davis said he will know by June 21 from the City of Oakland and Alameda County about a possible preliminary financing plan for $400 million to build a new stadium in the East Bay he said would cost $900 million. He has $500 million committed.
Davis signed ''Stay in Oakland'' posters in the middle of approximately 30 protesters who only moments earlier were chanting, ''Stay in Oakland! Oakland Raiders!'' They then changed their cheer to ''Thank you, Mark!''''What's up, guys? Hey, listen, you guys are the best,'' Davis told the crowd. ''I'm trying all I can do to keep this team in Oakland, OK? I don't know what to do, I really don't know. We're trying. I'm not trying to divide any fan base. Every time I talk to anybody, I'm trying to stay in Oakland. That's my No. 1 choice, but we can't do this forever. I really appreciate you all, I really do.''

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