Monday, February 23, 2015

Butch Harmon: If Tiger asks, I'll help him

Butch Harmon Tiger Woods
If Tiger Woods called, or texted, or whatever, Butch Harmon would answer.
Woods' one-time teacher told Golf World he would be willing to help his former pupil on a part-time basis as he tries to reform his swing and get his game, and back, healthy again."If he wanted, I'd be more than happy to spend a couple of hours and give him my opinion," Harmon said. "I don't think he would ask because it goes against his pride."
The pair stopped working together in 2003, with Woods moving to Hank Haney after a brief period as guardian of his own swing. Harmon, 71, has never lacked work and is arguably busier than ever. He's working with Phil Mickelson and Dustin Johnson, as well recent winner Brandt Snedeker and Jimmy Walker. Despite all that, Harmon would make time to help a great get back on track.

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