Monday, February 2, 2015

Obama lauds 'embarrassment of riches' in Los Angeles sports

U.S. President Obama hosts 2014 NHL Stanley Cup winners Los Angeles Kings and 2014 MLS Cup champions Los Angeles Galaxy in the White House
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says he may be resentful as a Chicago sports fan, but he has to give credit to Los Angeles for producing two championship teams.
Hockey's Kings and soccer's Galaxy were honored in a joint ceremony Monday in the East Room of the White House. Obama says Los Angeles has an ''embarrassment of riches'' in sports and that he's especially impressed that a city with no snow, ice or winter can turn into a hockey town.
Obama gave a special shout-out to Galaxy star Robbie Rogers as the MLS league's first openly gay player. Obama says Rogers is inspiring people around the world.
He wished both teams the best of luck ''when you are not playing Chicago.''

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