Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dion Waiters calls report that he didn't observe national anthem because he's Muslim ‘a damn lie’

UPDATE: After the expected outrage from the easily outraged, Waiters hopped on Twitter on Saturday morning to blast “the media” and the writer that “made that up.”
There are several traditions in sports that take place without much thought. One of them is the playing of the national anthem, no matter the country in which the event takes place. It's an opportunity for pause and reflection before the game begins, a chance for everyone to take stock of everything that allows the coming contest to go on. In theory, that reflection should take a patriotic bent, but it would not be terribly surprising if athletes opted to focus on the task at hand.Whatever the reason, it's seen as shocking when an athlete or coach is not present for the playing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" at an American sporting event. So when Cleveland Cavaliers shooting guard Dion Waiters wasn't on the court for the song at Wednesday's game vs. the Utah Jazz in Salt Lake City, people took notice. Waiters has an explanation for his absence, and it involves his religion.

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