Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Asamoah Gyan to hold press conference denying he sacrificed rapper

A truly bizarre story has gotten even weirder in Ghana, where national team star Asamoah Gyan will hold a press conference tomorrow to quell rumors that he and his family killed a rap artist — as part of a ritual human sacrifice.
Yes, you read that right.
Ghanaian rapper Castro and Janet Bandu went missing on a trip they took together with Gyan’s family following the World Cup in July. Over two months later, no body has turned up, which has led to some suspecting (extremely) foul play on behalf of the striker - enough people to prompt a press conference, apparently.
Here is the official statement on Gyan’s website:
The Gyan Family will hold a press conference on Wednesday address recent issues of public interest including the disappearance of musical icon Theophilus Tagoe (aka Castro).
The press conference which will take place at the Alisa Hotel will be addressed by counsel for the family Kissi Agyabeng.
It will be recalled that Theophilus Tagoe (aka Castro) and Janet Bandu went missing while on a holiday hangout with Family and Friends of the Gyan’s at a resort in Ada back in July.

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