Monday, September 15, 2014

Charles Barkley on Adrian Peterson: 'Every black parent in the South' whips their children

Charles Barkley (Getty Images)
We’re not sure why CBS had Charles Barkley on their NFL preview show on Sunday morning to discuss football, but then again we’re not sure why CBS has Barkley on their college basketball coverage when he clearly watches next to no college basketball prior to the NCAA Tournament. It was a clear ratings grab by a network desperate to draw viewers and set Twitter on its ear, and if Barkley happened to say something outrageous along the way, then all the better.
Well, it appears that CBS got what they wanted: Charles Barkley acting ridiculous and labeling an entire cross section of a race in the southern U.S. as child abusers.
Horrific child abusers, like Minnesota Viking Adrian Peterson.
After being asked by host Jim Rome if what Peterson did to his four-year old child was fine by him, Barkley went off on a pathetic brand of “us jocks gotta stick together”-defensive terms, while basically failing to disassociate southern African-Americans that don’t happen to beat their children with those that do. has the disturbing transcript:

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