Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Atlanta Hawks discipline GM Danny Ferry for racist comments as fallout continues

1 comment:

  1. Ferry made the inflammatory comments about Deng in a conference call with the Hawks' ownership group in June when the team pursued Deng as a free agent.

    Atlanta media outlets obtained a letter Monday night from co-owner Michael Gearon Jr. which cites Ferry telling the ownership group that Deng "has a little African in him."

    Gearon's letter on June 12 to co-owner Bruce Levenson said Ferry went on to say, "Not in a bad way, but he's like a guy who would have a nice store out front and sell you counterfeit stuff out of the back."

    Added Gearon: "Ferry completed the racial slur by describing the player (and impliedly all persons of African descent) as a two-faced liar and cheat."

    Deng, 29, was born in what is now South Sudan. His father moved his family to Egypt and then England. The 10-year NBA veteran is now a British citizen and played for England in the 2012 Olympics.

    Deng, like Ferry, also played at Duke.
