Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Patrick Roy chimes in on Martin Brodeur retirement

Chicago Blackhawks v Colorado Avalanche
NASHVILLE – There has always  been symmetry between Colorado coach/HOF goaltender Patrick Roy and former New Jersey/St. Louis goaltender Martin Brodeur. The records, the style of play, the French Canadian bravado all come into mind.
But when Roy retired after the 2002-03 season at the age of 37 it was a shock. He had a 2.18 goals against average and .920 save percentage. Sure, his body was breaking down, but he was still effective.
With Brodeur, at the age of 42 and failing stats – it wasn’t a surprise at all. What is odd is that Brodeur has taken a job with the St. Louis Blues front office and not with his long-time team, the Devils (we'll get to that in a second).
Roy had a messy split with the Montreal Canadiens in the 1995-96 season and was traded to Colorado but eventually had his jersey retired by Montreal. Brodeur has taken subtle digs at the Devils since he signed with St. Louis. Are there any parallels?

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